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BÀI MẪU WRITING SÁCH IELTS CAMBRIDGE 15 - TASK 2 TEST 4: Children Achieve Anything (IELTS Cambridge 15)
In some cultures, children are often told that they can achieve anything if they try hard enough.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of giving children this message?
Cambridge IELTS 15In some societies, youngsters are taught that any goal is achievable with enough hard work. However, although this philosophy can be a powerful source of motivation for some, it may also engender serious mental issues for many others.
On the one hand, the most significant benefit of the emphasis on effort and achievement is that it can encourage young people to pursue their dreams. Hard work is considered as one of the key components in making individuals’ dreams come true and living their lives to the fullest. For example, professional footballers, like Christiano Ronaldo, have spent many consecutive years honing their skills to become the top athletes. Without persistence and training, they could never achieve such enormous success. Another positive aspect of this teaching is hope. Children from disadvantaged backgrounds might find solace in the notion that studying hard can lead to a prosperous career. Therefore, telling children that effort leads to reward can encourage them to work hard night and day to achieve their goals instead of staying frustrated in their passivity.
On the other hand, this approach also has some apparent drawbacks. Firstly, it may place a great deal of pressure on children. X Being repeatedly told by adults that hard work can guarantee success could lead to some pushing too hard to achieve a goal. In some cases, the academic burnout might get to the point that some teenagers even commit suicide X to escape from this burden. Secondly, this teaching can hurt the self-esteem of those with unrealistic goals. In fact, there is a more complex interplay between the talent, effort, and luck required to produce great achievements than merely hard work. For example, a person without musical talents is unlikely to become a professional singer, regardless of how much concerted effort he or she makes. Therefore, hard work is an essential ingredient but supposing it is the sole factor for success can breed resentment and lead to frustration.
To conclude, while teaching children that hard work ensures achievement can be inspirational, it also possibly has negative mental impacts on those pursuing unattainable goals. Therefore, parents and teachers should be cautious before teaching children this philosophy.

Band 8.0
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